Saturday, September 6, 2014

And then she turned one....almost!

There it goes....time...flying by again.  How rude. Your first year has come and gone (almost!)  And to think you used to be small and squishy wrapped up like a burrito laying in the middle of our bed. My Greyleigh Mae, you have brought us an enormous amount of joy this last year and each and every day I am blessed and thankful that I get the opportunity to be your mama.  You are such a delight.  Just the right amount of sass, sweetness, cuddles and playfulness.  It is so fun to have a little girl and I dream of the things we'll get to enjoy together and the friendship we'll hopefully have. I pray often that you will look up to me and that in turn, that I will be a good model to you in everything that God instills in me; life, love and all the in betweens.

You came into this world fast and furious, yet with a stubborn punctuality waiting until your exact due date and I can already tell what a fun little handful we've got. :)

I love love love being your mama and pray time will slow down just a smidge so I can keep enjoying these precious moments we get with you.

Happy Birthday Greyleigh Mae.  We love you so big.

And now for party pictures.  We had fun. We ate cake. We got messy. We're tired.

As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be....

Happy Birthday Dear Greyleigh, Happy Birthday to you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Truly beautiful. Visual examples of pure joy and true love.
