Friday, November 30, 2012

Michaels. AKA:heaven.

So, after work today I went to Michael's.  You know, the arts and crafts store.  We have a little history, me and Michael's.  It was my first job, you see.  I had the apron.  I had the buttons. And boy did I hate the smell when I went in to work...all that fragrant crafty stuff.  I just wanted to stay in the middle of the aisles and put stuff away.  Quiet, in my own little world, where I didn't have to talk to anyone and pretend I knew what i was doing.  Then they expected me to work as a cashier---are you kidding me?!  They should have known how socially awkward and anxious I was, how rude.  Ugh.  There would be times that I would go into a Michael's after I had no longer worked there and as I would walk in and smell that familiar smell and hear that familiar elevator music they played over and over and over and...ahem, sorry...I would get hit with disgust and anxiety over the job I previously despised.

Oh silly me.

I am a much different person these days.  It's like I shed my outer skin and now emerged into a crafty creative butterfly....shoot...I just described a snake and a caterpillar.  You get the idea.  I evolved.  :)

Today, and well every time I frequent Michael's now, I drink in that waft of fragrance as I walk through the doors, I stop for a brief second and I do a happy dance---inside my head of course---and I smile.  Especially this time of year--the scents, the overflow of Christmas crafts and falalalala-ness!  It's quite yummy.

I spent much too much time and money today on crafts, gifts, school supplies and a craft for Everett.  But hello there educator discount!  Boy, that little deal is sure a nice splice of goodness when I'm at the checkout.  Thanks for employing me district #279 so I can feed my Michael's addiction. 

And, thank you Michael's for bringing a smile to my face today.

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