Sunday, August 5, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things...

I have gotten some pretty awesome and meaningful gifts in my days.  Well, all gifts are pretty special, but when thinking of my top 5 favorite, it seems my mind always thinks of these:

One year for my birthday Curtis gave me this journal that he had been working on for months.  Each day he would write in it things he loved about me, dreams he had for us, cute pictures, poems, etc.  It's one of my most special things I have every recieved from him and still look at it every now and then to remind myself that he DOES have a romantic bone in his body :)  At the end of the journal was a little flap and under flap was a promise ring. Awww.

Yes, this is a vacuum.  I love my vacuum. Perhaps a little too much?  Nah.  I got it for Christmas last year from my parents and use it almost every day--no lie.  It's a stick vac and hand vac in one :)

This picture below has TWO of my favorites.  My Camera from Curtis and my yellow scarf from my mom.
I wear that scarf so often that it is getting holes :(
And my camera, well I literally cried when I got it I was so happy!


And last, but not least, this beauty below.  My guitar.  My parents and a few of my friends all pitched in to buy this for me for Christmas when I was actively involved on our church worship team.  Its an acoustic electric and sounds oh so crisp and beautiful!  I heart my guitar :)

What are some of your favorites?
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1 comment:

  1. I also love to vacuum. and tried to learn guitar but was not motivated enough! :)
    stopping by from the wiegands! would love you to come enter my giveaway going on here:
