Saturday, June 2, 2012

Summer planning.

Everett and I are getting pretty excited for our summer together.  I've been mentally planning my summer already and trying to make it intentional, fun and creative for our family.  Pinterest has been so kind to offer some ideas.   Here is one that I love that we will definitely be taking advantage of:

Schedule available here.

I think it will be fun for us to follow this idea and take some pictures along the way of our adventures---then we'll share them with you for a weekly recap!

Some other fun parts of our summer will include a week long trip to Colorado with the in-laws, a family reunion in Northern Minnesota with Curt's relatives, a NEW baby niece or nephew in July, Everett's 2nd birthday party and perhaps some house hunting!

My summer bucket list includes:

  • Potty training Everett (yikes!)
  • Getting Everett to say the ABC's, count to 5 and identify some colors
  • Take a painting and/or pottery class at the Edina art center (anyone local wanna join?)
  • Plan a comprehensive anti-bullying curriculum for my schools for the fall
  • Plan some career lessons and a brainstorm a career fair for one of my schools
  • Lose 15 lbs
What are your plans for the summer? 


  1. I just read this post today and it was quite timely, as Payton and I spent the morning making schedules for our weeks this summer(though ours were for chores rather than fun stuff). If you ever want to get together with the boys and I (or our Westwood play group) we would love your company.


  2. That would be awesome---Erin told me about the play group, I will totally stop by sometime.... Maybe even this week If I can swing it :)
