Friday, March 2, 2012

Feeling like Moses.

Ever have a heavy feeling of inadequacy loom about you?

Perhaps it follows one of these:

You didn't perform well at work.
You put your kid to bed with a dinner that had the nutritional value of chalk.
You never finish what you start.
You didn't have time to meet with God today...or yesterday...or...
You look in the mirror and criticize yourself.
You got into a fight with your spouse.
You didn't clean the the dishes...make dinner....
You failed to make your marriage a priority today.
You didn't reach your goal.

Yeah, there's more.  But I think you get the point.

I think we all feel inadequate from time to time.  For some it lingers, burrows and creates a home.  For others, well they have some super power that we don't know about yet. :) Kidding.

I think it is great that God has provided us with so many followers...leaders...real people of the Bible to relate to on this.  Think of Moses.

Moses was given a direction by God to lead his people out of Egypt.  What's the first thing he says?  "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?" (Ex. 3:11)

Hmmm, someone is feeling a little inadequate.

He goes on to further give excuses of why God picked the wrong guy.

"What would I say?"

"They will not believe me or listen to me."

"I am not a good speaker."

"Oh, please send someone else!"

There would have been so many brave and strong men to take on this responsibility.  But God knew who he wanted.  He wanted to use this self-doubting, weak minded inadequate feeling man.  And as the story goes----I think he does a pretty good job.

God hears our hearts.  Out doubts. Our cries of inadequacy, but He still wants to use you.  He wants to use you and show you how adequate you really are in His eyes.  You are enough for him.  Just how you are.  Whether you read your Bible or not.  Whether your house is clean or not.  Whether you know it or not---know it. You. Are. Enough.

Satan does not want us to know this! He loves our inadequate woes and self-doubting.  Friends, he whispers them into our ears.  "you are not good don't measure are not going to succeed...."  Those whispers can be quite persuasive and convincing if we are not listing for God's whispers.

The very same God who used a man who felt inadequate to part the Red Sea wants to use us.
Let him tell you how.
Commune with him and ask him.
"Abba, how am I enough for you?  Show me how adequate I am."

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