Thursday, March 29, 2012

Everett's room

This post is long overdue.  Let's see....about 18.5 months overdue!  I loved putting together and decorating Everett's room when he was in my belly and I was in my 'nesting' phase.  Some things have been added after, but for the most part it has stayed the same.  Here are a few little glimpses into my boys room.

Name on the door.

It's hard to tell with the instagrams---but his room is a baby blue color.  Painted by me.  When I was 8 months pregnant.

Oh, how I miss rocking my little man in that chair.

You can see this on one of the shelves pictured above.  It is a picture of the one and only Babe Ruth as well as his autograph!  The boy to the left is my grandpa at the age he got it---about 7 or 8 maybe.  I feel so blessed that this was passed down to me---I know I don't deserve it, but it is special to me because I can remember staring at it all the time when I was little and it reminds me so much of my grandpa and the 'baseball talk' we used to have when I was a little tom-boy! 

That changing table was built by hand by our dear friend who is so talented!  We absolutely love it!  We may or may not have stuffed my niece (she was willing!) in the bottom drawer while playing hide-and-go-seek...and it may or may not have it has yet to be repaired :)  Oops!

These pictures above the changing table have a pretty cool significance too.  As you can see they are of the moon landing.  What's cool is that these prints are from the actual negatives from that adventure.  My other grandpa new a guy in NASA and got the hook-up!  Can't wait until Everett starts asking questions about these pictures!

And that is pretty much it!  I love how his room turned out and that it has some real cool historical artifacts and family heirlooms if you will.

What does your babe's room look like?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Birthdays, Snoozing and DIY's.

New DIY wall art---courtesy of ideas on Pinterest : )  All it called for was a thrift store painting, spray paint and vinyl letters!


My cute little napper.

My dad celebrated his 59th!

Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It's about darn time!

Today I spent part of my day off doing what I've been wanting to do for months!  CRAFT! :)  I've added some new creations to the shop...check 'em out! :)

Hope you are enjoying your week! :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ask Mom: Potty Training.

Being a first time mommy, I am experiencing all stages of development for the first time!  I know one of the next biggies is potty training.  Yikes!  Everett is only 1.5, so I'm not stressing now, but it's going to come fast and I'd like to know all of the facts before I get there.  I know boys and girls go through potty training at different times usually---boys being a bit later.  What is too early to start?  Too late?  What is the best way to go about the transition?  Lots of

Tell me about potty training!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I wont give up.

Jason Mraz has a way with words....and his voice. Mmmmm.

Ahem.....moving on, I think he puts it nicely in his newest song.

"I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up....

'Cause even the stars they burn

Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up"

Curtis and I are coming up on 5 years of wedded-ness ( it's a new word--use it) this Friday the 9th of March.

Can I be honest?

Its. Been. Hard.

Some days it is really hard to love the person I wake up next to.....and some days it's hard not to.
Some days I wonder if we'll 'make it'.....and some I feel like when we work together we can take on the world.
Some days we mesh.....and some we don't.

I wish I could say that we have never used the "D" word in our marriage.  But we have.  I regret it every time and I know he does too.  That is the farthest thing from what our hearts ever want.

What have we learned in 5 years?

To pick our battles.
To find out what our love languages are and do them.  Often.
Be the best forgiver you can be (Curtis is great at this, I am not.) In, turn be the best at saying you're sorry.
We have learned that we are two very imperfect and sinful human beings with selfish and self-centered actions.

In addition, if nothing else in common ( like for real, we are very opposite) we have committed our vows and commitment to each other under God.  And that means something.

It means our hard days will need to be endured.
It means we will need to forfeit our self-centered ways and live to serve each other.
It means that in order to make us work as a unit, we need to be individually and jointly focused on Jesus. 

Not always easy.  But when we do it, it's as God intended and that is perfection.


These past five years have been a huge learning experience and I cannot believe how much we have grown together through trials and some unfavorable circumstances---as well as the best thing ever---Everett.

Oh that boy.  He can change tension into laughter and helps us to realize how sill arguing is.

I love you and everything most things about you---all besides the fact that you sometimes fart under the sheets and give me birthday cards when it's not my birthday.  But that was kinda cute :)

It's not been easy, and I anticipate that it never will be.  But you are so worth it.   You hear that?  You are worth it and I love you.  You make me laugh---hard--and I have never met a more driven person than you.  You were driven to get me, and you did! :) I love watching you and your interactions with Everett and how he lights up when he sees you.  I love us and that we are at the 5 year mark!

I am looking forward to each new day with you and Everett and couldn't have been blessed with a better man to call my teammate and father of my child.

I won't give up on us.

Happy 5th Anniversary!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Congrats Laura Ashley! You have won a copy of Kristen Welch's book, Don't Make Me Come Up There.

Please e-mail me your mailing address so I can forward that on to Kristen to send you your book!


Monday, March 5, 2012

One more day.

Only one more day to enter the book giveaway!

Go here to read more and enter!

You have until 9:00 p.m. Tuesday to enter!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Feeling like Moses.

Ever have a heavy feeling of inadequacy loom about you?

Perhaps it follows one of these:

You didn't perform well at work.
You put your kid to bed with a dinner that had the nutritional value of chalk.
You never finish what you start.
You didn't have time to meet with God today...or yesterday...or...
You look in the mirror and criticize yourself.
You got into a fight with your spouse.
You didn't clean the the dishes...make dinner....
You failed to make your marriage a priority today.
You didn't reach your goal.

Yeah, there's more.  But I think you get the point.

I think we all feel inadequate from time to time.  For some it lingers, burrows and creates a home.  For others, well they have some super power that we don't know about yet. :) Kidding.

I think it is great that God has provided us with so many followers...leaders...real people of the Bible to relate to on this.  Think of Moses.

Moses was given a direction by God to lead his people out of Egypt.  What's the first thing he says?  "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?" (Ex. 3:11)

Hmmm, someone is feeling a little inadequate.

He goes on to further give excuses of why God picked the wrong guy.

"What would I say?"

"They will not believe me or listen to me."

"I am not a good speaker."

"Oh, please send someone else!"

There would have been so many brave and strong men to take on this responsibility.  But God knew who he wanted.  He wanted to use this self-doubting, weak minded inadequate feeling man.  And as the story goes----I think he does a pretty good job.

God hears our hearts.  Out doubts. Our cries of inadequacy, but He still wants to use you.  He wants to use you and show you how adequate you really are in His eyes.  You are enough for him.  Just how you are.  Whether you read your Bible or not.  Whether your house is clean or not.  Whether you know it or not---know it. You. Are. Enough.

Satan does not want us to know this! He loves our inadequate woes and self-doubting.  Friends, he whispers them into our ears.  "you are not good don't measure are not going to succeed...."  Those whispers can be quite persuasive and convincing if we are not listing for God's whispers.

The very same God who used a man who felt inadequate to part the Red Sea wants to use us.
Let him tell you how.
Commune with him and ask him.
"Abba, how am I enough for you?  Show me how adequate I am."