Sunday, September 25, 2011

Orchard of Apples!

I'm alive.  Just a bad blogger as of lately.  I promise I have a REALLY good explanation though-- in short---since I cannot hold it in---I got a job! Woot Woot!  I start TOMORROW so my head has been spinning and my blog is definitely going to take a hit as my creative juices will be poured into my new role as an elementary school counselor! hello---dream come true!!  I will pop in from time to time though hopefully keeping up on DIY Wednesdays and PIF Fridays and of course most important Everett updates!

For now I just wanted to share some pictures of our adventure from the apple orchard today!  Hope you all had a great weekend!

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go!


  1. Congrats on your new job and have a GREAT first day!

  2. Gosh - what adorable kids you have!
    We we're thinking about taking our boy to the apple orchard, but I really want to go to the pumpkin patch as well!
