Wednesday, July 27, 2011

DIY Wednesday--Tea Cup Pin Cushion

 Another great DIY discovery (Thank you Pinterest)!  With a quick trip to the thrift store, this one only cost me $1.80 and took about five minutes!

What you need:

Tea cup
12 X12 square of fabric
Scissors (to cut excess fabric)
Glue gun
Fiber stuffing
Rubber band or hair binder

For now this will be hangin' out catching all the pins in my sewing area, but if i ever WHEN I get a school counseling job, this'll go on my big girl desk and hold my thumb tacks!

Tea cups are so fun!


  1. love this & i love pinterest. it is such an inspiration board! your blog is cute & so is your little guy.

  2. This is a funky great idea! Love it!
