Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Will Educate for Food

Being a stay at home mom/dad should pay the big bucks.  Can I get an Amen?

It is unfortunate this role often gets overlooked as one receiving the title of ‘job’.  Why is that I wonder?  Stay at home parents stay home by choice to help raise their child in the best environment possible—home, and do all the work that it entails, yet with no paycheck to show for it, it is marked as inadequate.

Perhaps not all of society feels this way, and for that I would be happy.  

I have just been bombarded with feelings of inadequacy surrounding my role as a stay at home mom.  It’s not enough to be a parent, I need a paycheck to show for it—to actually be helping.  

It was not my intent to be a stay at home mom this long.  I had anticipated doing it for a few months and then find a counseling/education job that I may be able to apply my expensive hard earned education to.  

While I have not found the above job, I have found a liking to this stay at home mom gig and really enjoy the time I get to spend with my son—day in and day out—no paycheck needed.  Yet, my lack of a paying job to go along with my husband’s has left us financial tight and just scraping by.  It puts me in the uncomfortable position of leaving my role as a stay at home mom to find a less than desireable job to help pay the bills.  My insides scream, “But I don’t wanna!!!”  

I just want to be able to live a happy life, staying at home with Everett until my dream job finds me.  


My role of parents not only comes from the love, nurturing and attention I give him at home, but also In how I provide for him.  

Mama needs to start providing.

Maybe I should just wear a sign.  “Will educate/counsel for food : has experience as counselor, teacher, nanny, math tutor , pca, etc.—Please hire me!”

Maybe I can teach Everett how to play the tambourine and we can be a mother son musical duo that gets famous off of You Tube, and then the Ellen show, and then….

Aw Heck, I better just keep at it the good ‘ol  fashioned way. Maybe one of the twenty-some schools I have applied for will call me for an interview soon?  God willing.

How ironic that I stare down at my arm now which reads, “It is well with my soul” to remind me that God provides everything needed to sustain his precious children.  

How am I providing for mine?


  1. Hello! Just wanted to comment and say I enjoyed reading and coming across your blog today!

  2. Thanks Lisa, I appreciate your comment and am glad you enjoy it!

  3. I agree! and when you tell people that you are a stay at home mom they look down upon you. that is why now i call myself a trophy wife who loves her baby and home:)
