Sunday, June 30, 2013

What does Mr. Mommy Monologue think of blogging?

Mr. Mommy Monologue (aka: Curtis)  always has something smart (and by smart I mean dumb) to say about some of my quirky hobbies and interests.  So I put him on the spot and forced asked him to answer a few questions to give his real opinion of blogging and my little space on the web.

1. Does your wife use your real name or a nickname on her blog?
I am pretty sure she uses my real name.  

2.. If you had a blog, what would the title be?
"Chickenhead's world"  (my nickname is chicken/chickenhead because frolic around the softball bases like chicken---or so I'm told.

3. Do you ever feel ignored by her because of the blog?
Not really but sometimes we are trying to watch a TV show or movie and I can tell she is REALLY into writing her blog and not the movie/show we are watching.

4. How has her blog changed or evolved throughout your relationship?
At first I think she was kind of hiding it from me but then more people started to read it and she seemed proud of it and was blogging significantly more often.....Then came Everett and her new job as a counselor and her time for blogging went way down.

5.. What is your favorite post on her blog?
I don't think I have one particularly favorite post, but what I enjoy most is seeing her talents come out through the blog.  Laura is a very good writer, mother, photographer, and crafter.  It has given her more confidence to share her thoughts and dreams and I love that.

Aww.  Good words Mr. Larson :)


Also, quick reminder--Google Reader is shutting down for good tonight (or so they say!)  So make sure you find me on Bloglovin' if you like what you see!  Just press the button below!

Follow on Bloglovin

Friday, June 28, 2013

Take a Hike!

Today felt like a Saturday.  Daddy took off of work and wee woke up later, ate donuts and took a hike at Minnehaha falls.  So happy it was cool and overcast for this preggo mama.  It was a lovely start to our day!

Love this picture.  Everett looks cute as usual---but if you look behind him you can see daddy trying to fish in the creek for the cap to Everett's bottle that he dropped in.

Daddy showing Everett how a "real man" goes potty in the woods.

What are you doing today?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

very plain to veryjane! and a couple updates.

Necklace c/o Veryjane

Photo c/o Everett.  I apologize for the cleavage--it
comes with the pregnancy.  
 Folks, I'm pretty excited to be reviewing the service of a fun little business I've had the pleasure of bumping into.  Basically it's the best idea ever.  Or pretty close!  

All boutique lovers, say I.....and you know how boutiques always carry the cutest stuff but then you flip over that price tag and then you're all like, "Say What?!?" Sometimes they're just so darn pricey?  That's where the lovely Veryjane comes in.  They find those kitchy and eclectic boutique treasures and give you SUCH great deals on the products--as much as 75% off! Say what?!? Oh and let me tell you about variety!  The variety of their products  is out of control ranging from handmade items to jewelry and clothes to iPhone accessories, from home decor to kid approved products- you seriously can find ANYTHING from Veryjane at a great price. 

The deals and products change every day, and sometimes the treasures are nabbed before you even have a chance to get your hands on them--so you have to act fast people!!

I'm a thrifty lady that loves a good deal, and this gem of a site is such a great bargain!  Take a look---you'll be so pleased!!

And a couple updates:

#1- I'm 29 weeks this week.  Holy Cow.  That's like getting darn close to her coming.  All is good and has pretty much been the same for the past month or so.  We can't wait, but actually, we can because we have a lot to get figured out before she makes her entrance! EEK!  That leads to number two.

#2-  We are are officially browsing the market for a new home.  To buy.  Very adult like.  Very stressful!  A few  promising options have been in the picture, so hopefully we'll have great news to report soon!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Find me on Bloglovin'!

Hello lovely readers!  I'm totally behind the times, but just realized that things are getting switched up a bit around here.  Google Reader will be on it's way out in a couple of weeks.  If you follow this blog or any others with Google Reader, it is likely that you will be unable to access that same way in the near future.  Luckily. Blogloving makes it easy for you to transfer your blogs and read your blogs on their site.  I use Bloglovin' and I love it!  

1.  Set up an account:  If you don't have a Bloglovin' account you can get one right HERE.  During the set up it will ask you if you want to import the blogs you read on Google Reader to Bloglovin--click on the button and then that is it!  You can simply log in to read them, or request to be sent email updates when your favorite blog is updated.  

Screen Shot 2013-06-11 at 11.24.50 AM

If you already have a Bloglovin' account here's what to do:
1. Log in to Bloglovin' and click on your profile picture.

Bloglovin Tutorial 1

2. On your profile page, click Edit your profile. This will take you to your account settings, notifications, etc.

Bloglovin Tutorial 2

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Import blogs. Doing this will take you to a page that gives you 2 options. Click on Google Reader and follow the prompts.

Bloglovin Tutorial 3

4. The import literally takes a few seconds to work. Once the import is complete, it will take you back to your Bloglovin' homepage where you can view all the recent posts from your favorite bloggers.

Screen Shot 2013-06-11 at 11.58.12 AM

It's possible with the close of Google Reader that Google Friend Connect may follow. To avoid any complications in the future, I've been following blogs directly on Bloglovin' by clicking on the follow link when I'm reading new posts. The follow link usually looks like a + or a heart. 

Let me know if you need any help and I hope to see you all on Bloglovin'! :)

Follow on Bloglovin

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Perfectly Imperfect.

Blogs are kind of like profile pictures.  They give a glimpse of reality, but are usually filtered in some way to make sure they show our best side, the best lighting, our best features, the most fun activities, etc.  Both can sometimes give a false sense of who we are and what our lives are like.  Surely there is nothing wrong in the least with wanting to put your best self forward and why the hay wouldn't we want to show off the highlights of our life!  No on likes a Debbie Downer, right?

However, sometimes I think we (especially women) can compare ourselves to others' profile pictures, Facebook posts, blog posts, etc.  This is so self defeating and I don't think anyone intends for their "highlights" to have that effect on others.  So, in the same we highlight the highlights, I think it's important to highlight the low lights and show off our imperfections to the world.

Like right now for instance.  Perhaps one may think I am in a coffee shop, sipping a brew, looking all "I'm so creative and cool" and pumping music in my ears while I write a post.  Well folks,  take a look at this glamour shot:

Other Perfect imperfections of ours:

-My couch still smells like Italian cream because a full mug of coffee was spilled on it this weekend.

-In addition to the coffee stench, I also have a sandwich worth of crumbs in the cushion cracks because sometimes we let Everett eat on the couch, and sometimes he spills, and sometimes we don't clean it up.

-Don't ever EVER look under my bed.  I bet you could fill a large garbage bag full with all the dog hair and dust gathered under there.  I'm lazy and only clean it once a year. Ew.

-I'm usually the annoying one that puts an empty box, carton, bag back in the pantry or fridge.  Why not throw it away? Who knows!

-We finally got Axle dog food.  For two days we were feeding him scraps and PB & J.

-I squished a bug on the wall last night.  It's still there.

-My kid knows most of the Sprout, Nick Jr. and Disney shows/characters because sometimes we just get so exasperated we plead him to plop in front of the tv.

-He doesn't have a set bedtime.  It ranges from 7:30-10:00 sometimes.  It works for him.  It works for us.

There are so many more---I'll be sure to highlight them more often.  Because I think it's important that you see my imperfections and that I don't have it all together and that it's OK!

Don't ever compare yourself to others.

"Comparison is the thief of joy"

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


You guys, I'm in love.

Well, more like have a new hobby that I am totally crazy for.

Summer started like two seconds ago and I am already on a mission to cross things off my bucket list.  One of them being painting.

Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be an artist.  From the crazy crafts I would do as a kid, to the notebooks and notebooks I would fill up of drawings and doodles, and the handmade greeting cards I would take so much time to create for every occassion.  Its crazy how God has instilled in me such a strong desire to create.  Even if it's not "good".  Even if its small and minute--like decorating our dry erase calender with cool lettering and numbers.  Even if its for my eyes only--to create for me is like worship.  It is so fulfilling and connects me even more to my creator.  Love it!

So, since I've always wanted to paint I thought this summer it was darn tootin' time to cross that off the 'ol bucket list and do it.  I got all  my supplies, stood in front of that blank canvas and then it happened.  Love.

I love how in painting you can have no idea what you are going to paint and something still emerges.  In the same way the image can evolve into so many things along the way until it is just right to you.  Two hours spent in painting flies by and I love that.  Did I say LOVE yet!?

With that said, I don't think any amount of love for this hobby can make me worthy to be called a "painter", but I do like that now I can add painting into one of my abilities, because hey, you don't have to be Picasso to say you paint, right?  Well, that's what I'm going with!

There is a site out there for artists of all kind to display their work and even advertise it for selling--they produce all of the products and ship them, all you have to do is upload your work.  Its like a mini art gallery. Super fun!  I used to have some photography on there, but decided to try out displaying some paintings---because I paint now guys :).

(Disclaimer:  I totally DON'T expect to sell ANYTHING, but its just fun seeing your stuff online! Is that a crime?!?..... ahem.)

Canvases, I-phone cases, stationary cards.... all with your artwork on it! 

Ok, before I get too embarrassed for displaying my new obsession, I'm gonna hit post!

What are YOU going to cross of YOUR bucket list this summer?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: 13-14 lbs.
Best moment this week:  Realizing we qualify for a house! Hooray! :)
Miss Anything? Drinking, running, deli sandwiches, seafood and sleeping on my belly.
Movement: she's kickin', jabbin' and movin' around!
Food cravings: See above missed yummies.
Anything making you queasy or sick: High acid foods---acid reflux to the max!
Gender:  Girl!
Fruit/Veggie Size:  A head of Lettuce!

Your baby at 26 weeks
  • Her eyes are forming, and his eyes will soon start to open.
  • And her eyelashes are now grown, too.
  • She's getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies.
  • She's taking breaths, too. They're of amniotic fluid, not air, but it's still good practice.

Labor Signs: Unlikely, but still lots and lots of contractions!  Had an ultrasound today to hopefully get more answers and to rule out preterm labor contractions.  Saw how flexible this little chicka is...already sucking on her toes!
Symptoms: Acid reflux has come in full force and made it's stay for good now. :(  This weekend I was awoken from a dead sleep by the pain of it and had to guzzle some Maylox just to get a bit of relief, then had to sleep sitting up--ugh.  Looks like I'll be taking in more apple cider vinegar, less gluten, less acid, eating much earlier and more almonds! Any other tips to curb this dreaded curse are appreciated!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood This Week:   Exhausted.
Looking forward to: Umm, well ya know, there is this thing coming up--not sure if you've heard of it, but its called summer break!! Wooohooo!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.

Everett and I had a date in the park today.  We unashamedly skipped church while daddy was out of town to go worship in our own way this morning by just enjoying each other, the weather and making memories in the goodness of God's creation.

Being at the park today, I was hit with a little pang of "oh my goodness, this boy is growing up way too fast". All of the things he can do this year at the park as opposed to last.

The way when I ask, "Everett, do you need help?" and I get the response, "No mama, I can do it. Don't help"  or, "No, I do it all by myself.  I don't need mama's help".

While it excites me so much, this new adventure of independence he is on, it also selfishly saddens me because I want him to NEED me forever.  When he grows into a young sprouting adolescent, with a squeaky voice, body odor and girl friends--how do I know he needs me then?

Thank goodness this all happens over a span of 18+ years--it'll make it easier to cope with I think, because now it just breaks me inside to think that this little adventurous boy of mine will soon belong to the his his another woman.

For now though, we shall continue to have spontaneous dates to the park, hot wheels car races, and jumping on the bed sessions a midst the "No, I can do it with out mama" and growing independence of my adventurous, free spirited little warrior.

Because when you know that you have the power to make his pain go away with just a loving kiss and tight squeeze, I think--I hope- that will to translate into something even bigger and better when he is growing into a man.

What will this boy show us next?

"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be."