Thursday, May 30, 2013

Refurbished vintage chairs project.

So, we recently were fortunate enough to get a FREE table from my landlord's mother as she was moving to assisted living and didn't want it.  Nothing fancy schmancy, but a great solid wood table--bigger than the one we had for the past 6 years.  Only problem is it had no chairs to go with it!

Insert project refurbish!

I searched and searched and searched on Craigslist for some cool, but cheap chairs.  I decided I'd have to go as cheap as I could and then design them myself.  I found some refurbish-able chairs for a great price--6 chairs for $60.

Since they needed to be toddler proof and food stain proof, I picked up some printed vinyl instead of just fabric.  This will make clean up much easier!

Added some spray paint of my favorite color and project complete!





For the breakdown of price:

6 chairs- $60
10 cans of spray paint (yes TEN)- $40
Vinyl fabric- $23
TOTAL: $123 for 6 chairs or  20.50 per chair

Not too shabby!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

25 weeks.

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain: 13 lbs.
Sleep:  Tossing and turning from side to side, but feeling rested in the morning.
Best moment this week:  Having a Monday off!
Miss Anything? Being able to reach my toenails to paint them
Movement: lots of kicking and moving around.
Food cravings: Not particularly.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender:  Girl!
Fruit/Veggie Size:  Cauliflower!

your baby at 25 weeks
  • She's enjoying her new sense of equilibrium -- she now knows which way is up and which is down.
  • She's growing more fat and more hair too!

Labor Signs: Not that I'm aware--going in for an ultrasound next week to (sorry if TMI) check my cervix because of all the contractions I've been having.  Hope this little girl stays put!
Symptoms: Tired. Contractions. Acid Reflux. Fun eh?
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood This Week:   Antsy.
Looking forward to: This Friday!  Edina Art fair date, and then LUMINEERS! Woohoo! :)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

*Truly Blessed* Giveaway Winner!

Congrats to Lauren Guilbeau You are the lucky winner of the Truly Blessed Gold Plated Stackable Druzy bangle! :)


I'll contact you via email with more information on how you'll receive your new pretty!

Thank you to everyone that participated!  Better luck to you on the next upcoming giveaway!

In other news,

Happy Memorial Day!

Aren't Mondays off heavenly!?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

*Truly Blessed* Giveaway!

I am so excited to be doing a giveaway--and even more excited to be showing off the work of a wonderful woman, Lisa Marie!   You should get to know her!
Truly Blessed specializes in Druzy Pendants Cross Bracelets

"I am a self-taught designer and I have been designing for 9 years now! It started off as a stress reliever and quickly turned into an obsession! I found myself lost in my designs and started to see the opportunity of what it meant to do what you love. 

I have lived in Orange County, California my entire life and my designs tend to take on a California Girl meets Bohemian flare! I’m inspired everyday by God’s beautiful creations and I am always amazed by how beautiful these natural, beautifully designed structures are! I have been blessed with the gift of design and I use my gift to make people feel beautiful! 

When I design, I never have a plan... I see what I love and then the design process starts to evolve! I am a work-o-holic and do my best to produce a quality product. 

I love working with Druzy, Spirit Quartz, Turquoise, Gold, Agates, Sharks Teeth and Organic materials. The more sparkly the better! I buy my entire product in the USA and all production is done out of my home in Orange County, CA. 

My family has supported me through all the ups and down and continues to show how much they love me from the depths of their souls. I am truly blessed to have this opportunity and I hope my designs display the passion I have for my craft!
All products are made with LOVE and are Truly Blessed! Thank you in advance for your business and being a follower of my little dream!"

Hello, can you say hard worker!? Sheesh!
Check out her shop and her amazing creations HERE!

When I got my little treasure from her in the mail--I was so impressed with the quality, uniqueness and awesomeness of it!  So happy!
She is gracious enough to give away one of her crazy amazing handmade products that I am sure you will LOVE!  

One lucky lady will win a gold plated stack-able bangle with square druzy--if I were the type of girl to use the word "adorbs" I would use it to describe this!

Giveaway starts NOW and ends Saturday midnight! 

Enter the giveaway below!

*US residents only please.

Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, May 18, 2013

If we got to talking....

I would probably tell you:

-That I'd love to be a picker someday and travel around searching for treasures.

-I want to write a book.

-I've always wanted to take pictures of cool doors and make a coffee table book out of them.

-Sometimes when I'm uber tired, I'll see how far I can walk with my eyes closed before getting off track.  Yes, you're right--it's weird!

-I can't help but giggle when Everett says, "I farted"

-I love giving gifts.  I like to keep a stash of universal gifts that I can give at any given time.  It's so much fun.

-If my dad had his way, I'd be named Lucy.

-If I worked in any other profession, I'd probably work in the medical field.

-I've definitely been the truth a bit about my due date lately when people ask.  I'm getting huge fast.  So now, I'm due in August, shhh.--which will actually likely be the truth! 

-I've just learned some very important information.  My "adult film star" name would be Emma Marigold and Curt's would be Barney Longfellow.  Oh my.  Still splits my side.

-I used to be a referee. Proof:

How about a totally random picture from exactly 3 years ago...
Looks like I was huge at 24 weeks with Everett too!

I enjoyed talking with you!  Tell me something random about yourself! :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

22/23 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks going on 23
Total weight gain: 9 lbs.
Sleep:  Tossing and turning from side to side, but feeling rested in the morning.
Best moment this week:  ummm.... no snow??  :)
Miss Anything? Fitting into my clothes.
Movement: Kicks and flutters!
Food cravings: Not a lot these days.  Can't eat a lot at one time otherwise I can't breathe!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender:  A little Lady
Fruit/Veggie Size:  Papaya!

  • Now that she's got more developed eyes and lips, she's looking even more like a newborn.
  • She's sleeping in cycles -- about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they're probably those times you're not feeling any kicks!).

Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: Tired. More out of breath. Sporadic contractions. Breathing takes a little more labor and my stomach can't hold as much food!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood This Week:   Content.
Looking forward to: things slowing down!

A super glamorous prego picture.  Your welcome.

Friday, May 3, 2013

All Boy.

I love seeing his "Boyness".  He has such a boyish spirit and it fills me up to see it!  

Rocks in the pocket are a must.

Looking forward to so many more adventures this summer with this boy of mine.