Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A rainy day...or three... in the life

Baby boy is sick.

Since Sunday little E has had a on and off again fever--thanks to the Tylenol.  Poor guy does not want to do anything except lay on my chest and cuddle (Frankly, I'm not complaining---I LOVE this, but I do not love that he is miserable).  

We made it into the urgent care yesterday and after a good three hours or so of waiting, we were sent off with, "It's probably just a cold--keep doing what you are doing".  Awesome.  Well, it gives me peace of mind at least. 

The past three days have consisted of:

-sleepless nights
-lots of crying
-rain, rain, and guess what? rain.
-lots of snuggling
-lots of laundry (he is so snotty and drooly, all of my shirts are drenched from the boobs up!)
-thermometer in one hand, tylenol in the other
-teething tablets
-the constant 'clang clang cling cling' of our wind chimes
-singing lullaby's
-changing the sheets after wetting the bed--twice.  (not me :) )
-baby Einstein
-worrying, then praying, then a little more worrying
-and lounging around in less then presentable attire.  Bath robe one day.  Stained sweats the next.  Today I am fashioning these guys:

Sadly, these running tights have not seen the outdoors yet for their true purpose--running.  Someday.  Until then they will serve their secondary purpose:  treadmill jogs, running errands and well, lounging.
So, the last few days in the Larson home have been a little less than favorable and a step or ten below extravagant, but my babe is getting better and that's about all that matters at this point!

On a high note:

I am making dinner tonight. I know. its a big deal.  but I am making my most favorite sandwich ever.  Panera's chicken salad sandwich (the original), which they no longer make. I have been devastated ever since.  So i finally just looked up the recipe for it and will prepare it tonight and hope to God is tastes the same, cuz that's a dang good sammie!

Also, a little boutique in Becker that is selling some of my items on consignment informed me that someone wanted to special order a bunch of my items. Yay!  So i just prepared all of those and sent them off.  its a good feeling when other people like something you create.  Hoping for more of that to come!

Happy Hump Day.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Manic Monday

Easter Family Photo!

Made my rents take one too!

'nuff said?

Family Easter walk!

Sunset on a beautiful day

Mom loves having her photo snapped!

Wine + Cupcakes.....

 How was your Easter weekend?


Get excited about another giveaway!

Today's giveaway is brought to you by First Chair Clothing!

I LOVE my shirt from Carmen of First Chair Clothing!  It is so comfortable and I love the screen print on the front!

Don't mind the wrinkles....I'm a bad folder!

The shirts are a 50/50 poly cotton blend, so very soft and comfortable.  They do run a bit small.  I ordered a Medium and it is a bit snug....but I'll be honest...this mama has a bit of a belly still to lose! :)  Its a great shirt, I honestly wear it ALL the time! ----And will be sure to wear it when I start training for my Triathlon!

Carmen is willing to giveaway a Men's and Women's t-shirt!  So there will be two lucky winners in this giveaway.  

To enter just leave a comment below and tell me what you love in First Chair Clothing's shop and if you'd prefer a Men's or Women's (Then I have an idea when drawing to make sure someone who wants a Men's gets one!)  Once your name is drawn you can then commuicate with Carmen about your preference, sizing, color, etc.

Biker or not, these t's are great and you all should make sure you take this opportunity to get one--if not for yourself, then someone else!

Giveaway ends Monday 5/2 !

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sunday's Comin'

(You will want to stop the music player at the bottom of the page to listen to this!)

(Wanted to post this yesterday, but I did not have much access to a computer.)

May you all feel loved and blessed by the Grace of God this weekend as you take into account his redeeming sacrifice as well as his victory over death and satan!

"In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied -
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!

And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ."
Happy Easter!
Jesus loves YOU!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weekend Smiles ( + giveaway winner!)

Congrats to the bibs/burp cloths/hat giveaway winner:

Please email me your full name and address and I'll send your goodies on over!  Thanks to all those who participated in the giveaway and stay tuned for another one later this week!

Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Growing Pains

Growing pains---what a great show.  Cue theme song.  However, though this classic family drama is worth a post of its own, I'm talking about a different kind of growing pains. Some I was not too familiar with before.  I mean sure, I like everyone has experienced these tell tale developmental pains, but still--the pains I refer to in this post only come in motherhood and after almost 8 months, my growing pains are increasing exponentially. 

No more swaddle sac

Big boy is outgrowing his swaddle sac--and though it may not seem like a big deal, it just further solidifies that my baby is growing way too fast and now transitioning into swaddle-less sleeping has me in pain with this rapid growth.  Where has my BABY gone?  The little nugget that just slept in my arms all the time and loved to nestle into his little burrito like swaddle.  Pretty soon I am going to have to lower his crib mattress and I'm just not sure I'm ready for that!  I welcome the new milestones and growth, but boy does it seem to be coming so fast--its giving me growing pains!

Baby can feed himself

We have recently started giving Everett a bottle with handles occasionally to help with our multi-tasking and also his own fine motor development.  Where at first the bottle would fall and he'd have a hard time holding it, he now can do it all himself.  The fact that he can do it himself and has the ability is exciting, but it's also sad.  Oh so sad.  See, in my mind, we as parents have been necessary for him to take his bottle, and even earlier on, I as mama was the sole provider of any and all of his nutritional needs. Just me.  Now, its moved from breast milk, to bottle, to formula bottles fed by mom and dad, to formula bottles that he can feed to himself.  So really---it's like he doesn't need he used to.  He is getting more and more the point of being able to do this independently.  And it is just starting! Imagine what it'll feel like 6 months from now! Oh the growing pains.


While I know that this hurts my little man more than me, its still something for me to get used to.  Teeth.  Adults have teeth, babies don't have teeth.  He's getting them on bottom and top and it makes him look so different.  His smile changes. I do have to admit though, little ones just getting their teeth are dang cute!  I am sad for him though--it seems pretty painful for him.  I just wish I could do something to soothe his aches.  Sigh...just another growing pain for mama.

Eating solids

There is just something about Everett eating baby food that makes him seem so...old!  The way he sits so eager in his high chair with his mouth open ready for each bite. Its like, did you get to this point so fast?  You're already 8 months old?....but your only 8 months old.  Motherhood is having a hard time catching up to this little eater. 

Mobile man 

This kid does not stay still.  He does not crawl yet...or walk obviously.  But in one minutes time he can get from one side of the room to the other.  Its an unusual army crawl/roll/scoot.  Makes me real nervous for a few months from now.  I can only imagine all this boy is going to get into.  My growing pain in this is that he is so mobile that he doesn't need me as much.  I remember when he was just a peanut and I could just leave him on the changing table, bed, couch or floor and he'd stay there---He would rely on me to get him anything and everything.  He knew nothing else.  Of course to an extent he is still very needy and dependent on us--its our job and I like it that way. But, now he is a little explorer and I can hardly contain him in one spot.  He doesn't need me to get the toy a few feet away or to entertain him at any given second because he is finding new ways to do so.

I know that these growing pains are to be expected, I mean...really...I'm not dumb, promise. I had an idea of what to expect. However, I never knew that I--while Everett grows-- would have such growing pains myself.  He's my first.  My baby.  He was sooo little and now getting so big. Some days it just hits me more than others and well, you get to read about it :)

While his growing may be painful to me at times, the milestones are being met and little successes are happening and to that--we celebrate and look forward-- in a bitter sweet way-- to each new growing pain we may experience.  Fact is, baby boy does still need us and shows us in his embrace in the middle of the night or in his smile or even when he is starting to reach out for us. The day all these growing pains bring him to the point of saying 'I love you mama' will make it all worth it!

"How long to you want to be loved?  Is forever enough, 'cause I'm never ever givin' you up"

What growing pains have your experienced in the past or recently?

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Just poppin in before bedtime to post some pics of new creations.  Its been awhile since I've created something and I dunno, I've just been really crafty lately.  I even made Everett a baby book out of wood, which I may or may not choose to share with you all.  Lets just say it did not turn out as I had planned.  Let me know what you think of these---keep goin with it or do they suck?  Be honest!....I won't hate you...too bad :)

Tomorrow will be a 'real' post--promise!  Keep in mind the current giveaway people....FREE baby stuff!!  I will be drawing a name Tuesday!

Find them HERE!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday Tunes and a New Giveaway!

Look what I got in the mail yesterday!

4 bibs, 3 burp rags and one knit cap all from The Pink Poka Dot Boutique!

I am loving the variety of patterns on these goodies and they are so soft!  This stay at home mom has great craftsmanship in these products and they are very well constructed.  Everett approves---he needed to use a burp cloth right away--he likes it :)

I love having Everett wear hats, so I was excited to see this fun one!  I have to admit, it is a bit small for my boys big noggin, but I will definitely be keeping it around for the next little one we have--so cute!  And the variety of bibs lets him be stylish each time we eat--choosing a different pattern every time!  Please check out this sweet little boutique and look at all she has!

Starting TODAY, I am hosting a giveaway in which you will have a chance to win some goodies from her shop as well.  Just leave a comment to enter the giveaway.  Names will be drawn Tuesday 4/19!

You will win:

one white knit hat
3 unisex bibs

2 unisex burp cloths
So....go ahead....comment and then go here!


Now for the tunes.

Everett and I (and Axle our dog) went on a walk to the lake today and I had this little number in my head.

Enjoy!  And if you live in MN---you better be outside :)

Here's a little trivia for you:  In high school I sang (yup, even the German) and played electric guitar on this song at a church carnival.  Except I played this version:

Pretty bad ass, I know.  :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday Tunes

Ahhh music! Food for the soul! Put a little swing in your hips and suit up for hump day!

...and now tell me this is not cute....

Hope everyone is having a good start to their week!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Congrats to our two winners from the Friday Giveaway!

Ponder and Stitch AND From a moms POV!

You lucky winners will be getting your awesome necklaces in the mail very soon!  Please email me your full names and addresses and I will forward that information onto Jeemaa to send out your prizes right away!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated!  It was fun to read all of your comments :)

Also, keep checking in for more giveaways---I got a couple more lined up! And maybe I can talk to Jeemaa from Mylilmarket into another giveaway soon :p


Not much happening today on the home front.  Lazy, rainy day with mister E.  (Just as I typed that a huge burst of sunshine came out!....and its.....gone)  I am looking forward to when Everett gets a little older to do activities on rainy days like crafts, coloring, cooking, heck maybe even puddle jumping :)  For now though, we're conquering big boy eating and hide-and-seek.  He's getting pretty great at both.

Anyone doing any fun April Fools jokes today? 

Have a great weekend everyone!  I know I will :)